January 5, 2013

New cute stuff and makeup :)

Hi :) Today I spent time with my Sister. It's my last day in Mielec, tomorrow I'll back to Poznan. I really don't want it, but if I have to, I'll do it. But if everything goes well, next school year I'll start in Krakow. I know it will be hard, but I have enough of Poznan. It's really far away from my hometown. And far away from my boyfriend. Keep your fingers crossed ^3^

I bought some cute stuff and I really enjoy this things. I found pretty phone case with Hello Kitty. I'm not sure if you know this but I really love Hello Kitty. With this phone case was bracelet which is made with cute, little candies. Om nom nom *3* Also I have a stationery with Shrek. It was really cheap so I bought it. I like this movie (‐^▽^‐) And my Sister gave my slimming tea. She's not thinking that I'm fat ;) She don't drink this tea so now it's mine. And I'll drink it! Because in Monday I'll start my diet. I want lose some weight. I think that I'll feel better if I'll do it. I have something more but I can't show this things. And I can't even talk about it ;) For this moment it's a secret.

  • circle lenses ColourVue Big Eyes Cool Blue (15mm)
  • foundation miss sporty (So Matte, 01 LIGHT)
  • powder MIYO (DOLL FACE, 01 VANILLA)
  • eyeshadows gray cantare black Pierre Rene white côte (I'm not sure but I found only this)
  • eyeliner IsaDora (01 CARBON BLACK)
  • blush LEMAX
  • lower lashes / upper lashes ebay

It's all for now. I think that I should go to sleep. Tomorrow will be really tiring day. Three hours in bus and nine hours in train. I don't want even think about it! \(*`∧´)/ Good night! ♥


  1. te bransoletki z cukierków,
    przypominają mi dzieciństwo T_T
    Z czego ty chcesz chudnąć kobieto?
    Ręce masz jak patyczki X_x

  2. Nie będziesz już studiować japki? Czy będzie, ale na Jagiellońskim? XD Makijaż śliczny, uroczo wyglądasz ♥ Ach! Ale bym teraz zjadła taką bransoletkę : D

  3. wow, really beautiful make up! *-*
